Starlight Part 4

Whew! Only one hour to go before midnight, but I managed to get another constellation to you as I had hoped! This is the fourth in our series, Hercules (the Hero). As before, the constellation is presented with and without lines, as well as the title, in png format, created at 300 ppi, and in proportion to the other constellations in this series. More stargazing ahead...stay tuned!

Click here to download.

Moving Day!
I have officially moved my blog to this location on Blogger. It seems to run much faster, and is easier for my visitors. All of you who subscribed via e-mail will continue to receive newsletters from the new blog. However, I believe those subscribed via RSS feed will need to re-subscribe. (Sorry for any inconvenience, but I think this will benefit all of you overall.)
Remember, I'd love to see (and post if you permit) any layout you've done using my designs! Also, if you have any requests, please let me know and I'll try to accommodate them if I can. The entire Yard Sale kit arose from one visitor's request for a grass overlay! :)
Hugs to everyone,