April Flowers
Add-On for Digitreats Skip
Hello, everyone! Sorry it has been such a while since posting. Things have been crazy lately (see notes below if you want to read why). Today is my first experience in add-ons - I have created some flower embellishments and colored them to coordinate with Digitreats Skip. If you haven't yet found Digitreats' Skip, Run and Jump ABC kits, you're seriously missing out! Click HERE to check them out. :) The set includes 6 flowers and a little bouquet. The flowers were extracted from photos I took myself of some bouquets I received in April for get-well/birthday wishes from my friends Donna and Jennifer. My TOU has been amended, and so for this set, scrap-for-hire and scrap-for-others is OK - see TOU for details. I am hoping to make my older kits available under the same TOU, but I have to wait until I hear from some designers whose actions were used to create some elements. I will make an announcement at the top of my blog when I know more!

Notes for the day:
Well, we had a rough weekend. My oldest daughter, Lydia, developed a "swimmer's ear infection." She was feeling miserable anyway, but was finally well enough to go shopping to order her birthday cake and spend a gift card she received for JCPenney. We went to the bakery to order her cake (with a custom picture we made on the computer), and she had a donut. She has a nut allergy, but the donut had no nuts, nor was it in a tray with anything with nuts. However, by the time we were almost ready to check out at JCPenney, she started itching, and within about 4 minutes had developed severe hives from her chin to her ankles. She has never had a reaction like that before. Fortunately, we were only about 1/2 mile from the Urgent Care center, so we got her there right away, where she had to get a shot of epinephrine and a bunch of Benadryl. Her oxygen saturation declined to 83%, she started coughing, and the doctor later told me he had been worried he might have to intubate her. Fortunately, the epi worked in about 15-20 minutes, and she's fine now. But, it gives me quite a scare regarding school this fall - they supposedly have precautions in place to protect her and the other kids with food allergies, but they had several dangerous mistakes last year, and now that her reactions have gotten so severe, we can't risk any accidents. If they can't come up with a fool-proof plan, I may have to look into homeschooling!

On a brighter note, after Lydia recovered, she and I worked together on setting up HER new freebie blog - Lydibug Garden! She is designing scrap kits herself now (though she has only just turned 8 years old). All of her freebies are from her own drawings or concepts, but I am just helping her to learn how to make her ideas a reality in Photoshop. She's learning fast, and having lots of fun. Her site is ready now, and we posted her first freebie last night! Here is her preview - click
HERE to visit her blog, where you can download her freebie. (She has a generous heart and chose to make it available for commercial use!)