Theme Kit
For the Love of Lemons
Part 4: Sugared Lemon, Glitter Swirls, and Bonus Paper
Today's freebie is a continuation of my lemon kit and coordinates with previous parts of the series - we're starting with some embellishments now. This set includes a sugared lemon, glitter swirls in 3 shapes and 4 colors, each with and without sparkles. All are png files, created at 300 ppi. I have also included a bonus "lemon rind" paper just for fun!

Click here to download.

Notes for the day:
First of all, my apologies for being absent this week. I have been insanely busy with doctors' appointments. I had to see a gynecologic oncologist as well as my urogynecologist. Since I needed a hysterectomy for other reasons anyway, and we still don't know whether my mass is cancerous, I'm scheduled to have surgery July 7th after some further testing. They'll send the specimen to the lab, assess it while I'm out, and the oncologist will be on standby to remove lymph nodes, etc. if there's any cancer. So, by the time I wake up and find out the diagnosis, it will already have been removed. For someone who hates waiting, that will a pretty good deal! I'll have about 6 weeks of recovery time, which on the bright side, should give me LOTS of time to play with Photoshop making goodies for you! There's always a bright side! :)
Now, my main concern is figuring out how to best make arrangements for the kids. The more times a foster child has to be moved, the more traumatic it is for them, so I hope to find a way they can remain with us. For them, as well as for our own girls, I don't want them to be bored all summer just because I'm stuck at home. So, I'm thinking I might be able to hire a college student to be a nanny for several weeks as a summer job - that way, she could take the kids out to park, pool, etc. Our family has offered to help, too, but I feel that 6 weeks with 5 kids is a too much for me to ask of anyone unless it's a paid position.
Finally, I'VE BEEN TAGGED for the first time - by my friend Erika at Curly Wirly Twirly Girlies! As far as I understand, these are the rules, since most times, I've seen it with 10 facts:
1) Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2) Share 10 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3) Tag 10 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4) Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So, here are the 10 facts about me:

2) I was planning to skip my senior prom in high school because the boy I liked was going to prom with someone else. My friends decided that I HAD to go, so they set out to find away to force me not to miss it - they spread word around to get people to vote for me to be a prom queen candidate! Much to my shock, I made it on the list, so I did have to show up. And then more shocking still, I actually was voted prom queen! I had never been one of the super-popular girls who were cheerleaders and always queen candidates, so my theory is that people were just glad to see someone different as a choice and voted for the underdog!

3) I was in two rock bands in college - I played keyboards and sang - mainly 80's cover songs. Yes, I wore black spandex, had huge hair and everything! It was a fun contrast to my usual boring, "good-student" kind of life.
4) My favorite band of all time is Journey. About 22 years ago, I saw them in concert during what was said to be their last tour. We had marching band practice the night they were in St. Louis, and our band director threatened an "F" for the year to anyone who went to see Journey. I HAD to see them, so I found a different weekend with no band practice and took a road trip to their concert in Cleveland. My friend Kelly was supposed to go along, but had severe stomach pain the night before - the doctor wouldn't let her go in case it was appendicitis. So, we regretted her missing that concert for the last two decades. BUT, now Journey's coming back to St. Louis (with Heart and Cheap Trick) on September 13th - so I'm going, and I'm taking Kelly and my daughters with me! Woo hoo!!! It will be my girls' first rock concert - but they love Journey - they watch an old DVD of theirs all the time.

For any other Journey fans out there, their new album, Revelation will be released June 3rd. It includes a CD of new songs, a CD of remixed classics, and a DVD of a live concert earlier this year. You can preorder it at the Journey store, or at Wal-Mart (Wal-Mart's site has audio previews, which sound AWESOME!) I can't wait to hear the whole thing...
5) I used to keep myself awake during lectures in medical school by crocheting doilies. Crocheting didn't take any real concentration, so I could focus on the lecture well - plus we took turns typing up the notes from tape recordings, so there was no need for me to take any notes!
6) In college in southern California, I had a math class with a lab session that was optional, so I rarely went (it was very early in the morning). One morning, I decided to get up early and go to the class. As I was getting ready, there was a big earthquake. It scared the dickens out of me! I took it as a sign from God that He didn't want me going to that math lab, so I never went back!

7) When I was in first grade my teacher submitted one of my paintings - a princess - to an international children's art exhibition in Tokyo. And it won a gold medal! I also won a nice set of Pentel oil pastels, which I still have. I even let my budding artist, Lydia, use them to make a very special card for her daddy. Here's the painting - what do you think?

8) I didn't find out that my cat, Shaundy, was a boy until he had been with me for 7 years! (It's a good thing I didn't become a urologist...) I had thought of this cat as the most feminine creature I had ever seen - it really threw me for a loop! I had adoption papers form the Humane Society saying it was a female, they had done the "fixing" surgery and never mentioned anything unusual (my friend owned him at that time), and he had very long white hair - I never bothered to look under all the hair! But, he rolled over one day, and OMG!!!!

9) When I was in high school, my brother and my dad did BMX (bicycle motocross) racing. When my mom thought about trying it, I decided I couldn't be the last one, so I entered a race. There were 3 parts to the race - in the first one, my contact lens fell out. So, in the second one, I couldn't see where I was going and crashed, breaking the handlebars of my brother's bike. I also broke my knuckle - OUCH! But, I draped my hand over the broken handlebars and finished the third race. The boys ran at least three more races past me while I plodded along - but I got a first place trophy since I was the only one in the girls' division! :)

10) Today is my 10th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary, Don - I love you SOOOO much! I hope you like your present....I've had it picked out for months! Time with you is precious!
And now for some favorite folks I would like to tag...please visit their WONDERFUL blogs!
1) Derek at DerekMDesign (fantastic Grandmother's House series going on)
2) Anneli at Attic Treasures (gorgeous vintage and Victorian elements)
3) Mandy at MeeGee Designs (vibrant, fun papers, a great sense of humor, and a super-nice lady)
4) Linda at Bon Scrapatit Designs (beautiful, long-running kits and lots of fun to read her stories)
5) Bethany at Elegant Word Art (she picks the most wonderful quotes and does amazing things with them)
6) Nicole at NBK Proudly Presents (gorgeous, intricate, elegant works of art)
7) Xandra at Xandra Martin Designs (a wide variety of fun kits, and I admire her for her role in the charity Autism Awareness mega collaboration kit!)
8) Elizabeth at Pillowgirl's Scraps (one of my favorite stops for commercial use items - her CU stash boxes are jam-packed with great stuff!)
9) Kimberly at Tattered Angel Quotes (a fantastic lady, a devoted foster/adopt mom and creator of beautifully designed word art)
10) Vianne at Creative Designs (elegant, highly detailed, intricate kits and elements)
I would have loved to tag Doris at Tempus Fugit, but she's on vacation until June 16th - well worth visiting her blog, though!
And to my many other favorites - I'll getcha next time around...LOL!
Hugs to you all,