For the Love of Lemons

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Painted Paper
Hi, everyone! Yes, I'm still alive - LOL! I've been sick again - bronchitis this time, plus my daughters' dance recital this weekend. Any dance moms out there know how hectic THAT can be! Just wanted to post a little something for you - I'm sorry it's not a bigger collection, but I'm still working on the rest and didn't want you to wait any longer! So, today is a paper, JPEG at 300 ppi, in a canvas texture, with a pattern made from my lemon painting that kicked off this whole series! So, consider this a teaser for the next installment..., and I'll be back with more for you very soon...
Hugs, Jeanie

Click HERE to download.

Notes for the day:
I've been tagged again, and so soon after the last one! This time, it was by Cindi at Cindi's Scraps & Stuff. She has some really cute stuff on her blog - check it out HERE.
Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So, here are some more facts about me:
1) When I was a doctor, my favorite parts of the job were delivering babies, then taking care of them as they grew older - I love to witness a child's developing personality and milestones! Every once in a while, I run into kids I delivered, and it's always a special feeling!
2) I haven't liked to read since medical school - I guess I had to read WAY too much when I was there - enough for a lifetime! I greatly prefer creating things...
3) Before I got into digital scrapbooking design, my hobby was playing Sudoku. My favorite is Samurai Sudoku, which has 5 Sudoku grids all connected together. It's a fun challenge!
4) I am terrible at keeping my house clean, and I hate to cook meals (though I do enjoy baking). There, Don - I admitted it publicly! ROFL...
5) I am a baby addict - I love taking care of babies, and can't get enough of them. I love their softness, their smell, and especially their laughter! I feel so fortunate that one of my foster kids is a tiny sweetheart we've had nearly her entire little life - I could just hold her all night long...and often do just that...
6) I love certain numbers - for example, when the clock reads 11:11, when the date makes sense two different ways ( like 1/9/87 = 1987), or when the odometer in my car turns an even thousand. I'm pretty excited that in only 600 miles or so, my odometer will roll to 100,000 miles! (I guess I shouldn't be so happy - it means my car is getting older...) When I was pregnant with my eldest daughter, my due date was 7/7, and two of my best friends were also pregnant, due 9/9 and 10/10! I LOVED that!!! One of those friends now has two daughters, born on the SAME date 3 years apart! How cool is that?
7) Even when I was a kid, I always hated Kool-Aid!
Now, for the next part...Cindi, I'm really sorry, but since I JUST tagged a bunch of people, I don't feel right doing it to them again so soon! Plus, I have to get ready for my daughters' dance recital Day 2 NOW, so if I spend any more time on this, it won't get posted today! I hope you understand... :)
Hugs everyone!