Wooden Elements - Cherry - Commercial Use OK
AND, for those who have had difficulty opening some of my files:

I did a LOT of experimenting with different saving techniques, scripts, formats, etc. yesterday to try to figure out once and for all why I keep having occasional e-mails from folks unable to open certain files. My tests revealed that apparently it was not a problem with anything I was doing in Photoshop at all, but actually came from the program that zips the files!
So, I believe I know how to fix the problem - I need to re-zip EVERYTHING with new settings. So that everyone can use my freebies, I'm going to make this repair work my top priority. Those who have had problems opening my prior files, would you please download today's freebie and e-mail me to let me know if it has resolved?
Here's a quick freebie - just some wooden frames, photo corners, tag and such, cherry finish, 300 ppi, png. Zipped using the new, improved settings, LOL! PLEASE let me know if there are any issues opening the files - I think it's all fixed and I want to be sure.

Click HERE to download.

Hugs to everyone,