Commercial Use Elements and Template
9-Compartment Shadowboxes

Well, you did it! I promised that when one of my goals was met (1000 hugs, 10,000 visitors, or 1000 downloads of a kit), I would reward you...and I now have 1150 hugs on my hugs counter, so it's time for a thank-you treat for you! :)
Today's freebie is for personal AND/OR commercial use - I have created a shadowbox with 9 compartments, perfect for displaying smaller elements in your layouts. For designers, it may be a nice way to display items in your previews! The shadowboxes are JPEGs at 300 ppi, and are all 12x12 so that you can use them as a background paper if you like, or size them down as needed. I have included 4 shadowboxes: cherry, dark oak, light oak, and a grayscale version you can use as a template and recolor to your liking.
I have amended my commercial terms of use: basically, I have tried to make them as flexible as possible for you. (See detailed TOU in download.) Credit is appreciated, but NOT required unless the design is offered in its unaltered form in a product for sale (so that nobody thinks either of us pirated from the other). You MAY even redistribute the fully-colored versions (just not the grayscale versions) in their unaltered form, as part of a larger kit.

Click here to download.

Notes for the day:
Please, please, please send me examples of anything you have created with my work - I would love to post them on my blog if you permit!
We have been very busy lately, trying to resolve what arrangements will be made for the foster children after my surgery on July 7th. We had hoped to have them still live here, but with family here to help. We fought as hard as we could for that, but the Children's Division insists that they be in "respite care" for the first 3 weeks of my recovery, meaning that we will still technically be the foster parents, the kids will live somewhere else. I worry how they will handle the separation, and hope that they won't lose ground with the emotional and developmental progress they have made with us. But, we will be allowed to visit with them and intend to do so as much as possible so they know we haven't abandoned them. So, if you could send good thoughts or prayers their way, it would be appreciated! I guess this means I'll get even MORE time to make goodies for you! (Of course, I can't justify that unless I also spend some of my extra time catching up on non-exertional housework and organization - I'm years behind in filing, and I have a big craft area to clean - won't be needing those traditional scrapbooking supplies now that I've seen the light of going digital!
I'm working on more CU freebies for you, which I intend to use as rewards for reaching more of my goals. So, keep those warm fuzzies coming - comments, e-mails, hugs, new subscribers to my newsletter, or C-box messages all make me happy...and feeling very happy puts me in a very generous mood! ;)
Hugs to everyone, and thank you for visiting,