Hello, everyone! I hope you are having a good weekend. I wanted to let you know that I have encountered some people having problems opening my png files. They work fine on my computer, but today I tried on a PC (I have a Mac) and the png files were somehow transformed into "Fireworks" files. I am not sure what is going on with this, but will certainly investigate it when I am able to. Please rest assured that if you have downloaded a file that won't open for you, just e-mail me and I will gladly do everything I possibly can to get you a working file! I'm sorry, but it will take a few days before I can begin working on this, as I am having major surgery tomorrow.
In case this issue has anything to do with the action I created to separate the png files, I am holding off on having any of you test the action until I do further troubleshooting.
I am doing OK emotionally about the surgery itself, but I'm missing my foster children already (it's only been a few hours) - the Children's Division insisted that it would be better for my health to have them at another foster home for the first 3 weeks of my recovery. The other foster parents are fantastic, though, and we'll visit as often as we can. Thanks to some of you who suggested it, I did make a little brag book to send with the kids, full of lots of happy pictures!
I'll be back with you as soon as I can...
Love and hugs,