Starlight: Constellations
Andromeda (Chained Lady)

Today's freebie is the next in a cluster of related constellations - Andromeda, the Chained Lady. The constellation is included both with and without lines, as well as the title, all at 300 ppi. The actual png files are sized in proper proportion to the other constellations, though resizing has been done for preview purposes only. Sincere apologies for not having posted in some time - some medical issues have been going on. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope to be back soon with more for you. And yes, the big kit is still coming...

Click here to download.

Notes for the day:
I hope you will enjoy this constellation. Please bear with me on the big kit - I found out in the last couple of days that I need to have a biopsy done on Monday - I have a mass that is worrisome, and they need to determine whether or not it is cancer. I kind of emotionally checked out for a while, but designing for you is my "therapy," so I'll be back as much as I can manage. Thank you to everyone who has left me kind messages and well-wishes. It means a lot to me!
On a brighter note, I was up VERY late last night exploring a wonderful digital scrapbooking freebie site, one of my favorites, Digiscrapbooking by Lilou. Click HERE to visit her. She has an amazing array of kits and embellishments, and gives SO many that I feel I could spend weeks there and still not see everything! Be sure to take a look at her Dentelles collection, and see the closeup images to appreciate the detail she puts into her work. It is truly amazing! Her blinkie and link to her site are also on my sidebar to left. I hope you enjoy your visits as much as I do! Below are some closeups of just a few things I found at Lilou's to show you the detail...

Hugs to everyone,