(This post, originally dated 4/15/08, was copied from my previous blog. Please view it there if you wish to see prior comments.)
Theme Kit Part 2
Yard Sale: Bluegrass Festival
It’s Day 2 of my Yard Sale...and it’s all still free! This kit (just like yesterday’s kit but in a “bluegrass” color for those who prefer it) contains 6 grass-patterned 12x12 papers. Half of them have thin blades of grass, and the other have thicker blades. There 3 different lengths of each type (“golf course short”, medium, and “needs mowing!” There are also 2 grassy hills, 3 different garden shapes, and a patch of sod for you to “plant your own yard!” There is even a patch of dirt in the same size for anyone like me who lacks a green thumb... All are 300 ppi, and just waiting for you to plant your digital flowers and more! Yes, we still have more yard work ahead and some more Starlight, too...stay tuned! :)

Click here to download papers, and here to download elements.
Notes for the day:
My apologies - I feel pretty lame releasing the same kit but in a different color. There are three reasons I did it: 1) Some people prefer this color, 2) My little girl is still sick, and most of all 3) I could NOT resist the chance to use this title!
Today’s Bluegrass Festival is in honor of my friend, Jennifer P., who LOVES bluegrass. I’m just not sure if this is quite what she meant... LOL!
I would like to share with you a hilarious (but frighteningly true) list I found on Sindiego’s Scraps blog, 12/22/07. You can find lots of great stuff (and some witty posts) at her blog: http://sindiegosscraps.blogspot.com.
“12 Step Program of Recovery for Freebie Hunting Addicts.
1. I will eat a proper breakfast, seated at the table, before I boot up my computer in the morning.
2. I will get dressed before noon.
3. I will make an attempt to clean the house, wash the clothes, and plan dinner before even thinking about downloading freebies.
4. I will remember that I have a husband and/or family, and that I used to enjoy spending time with them.
5. I will remember I have a dog/cat and remember to feed and care for it, as I should.
6. I will not eat my meals, in front of a computer, while blog hopping.
7. I will try to get out of the house, at least once a week, if it is necessary or not.
8. I will talk about subjects other than scrapbooking, when I am with friends and family.
9. I will remember that my life used to be filled with other interests that I have given up, now that I am so busy freebie hunting.
10. I will not download items that I will never use, just because I can.
I will try to make time to scrap some pictures with all the beautiful kits I've collected.
Last, but not least.
12. I will remember that I must go to bed sometime. Those freebies will still be there tomorrow.
Now, wipe all that guilt away and get those freebies! lol”
Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments on 4shared - you all keep me going!
Goodnight and hugs all around,