Commercial Use
Floral Wreath
This was one of the centerpieces I made for my wedding reception 10 years ago. Inside it, we placed a glass ivy bowl, with water and a floating candle. It is a vine wreath, on which I hot-glued a variety of dried flowers. I scanned it and modified it some for you - the download includes the original wreath, a wreath with some of the center removed (to make it easier to use as a frame), and a frame made by linking a series of wreaths together. All were created at 300 ppi and are in png format. Commercial use OK - see TOU.

Click HERE to download.

Notes for the day:
Well, I only have one more day of home IV antibiotics left. I'm feeling pretty tired this week, as my husband unexpectedly had to leave Tuesday for a 2-week trip to California. He produces a TV show, and he had a cameraman back out at the last minute. But, we're catching up a bit on Lydia's homeschooling, and I'm managing to keep everyone fed, get them to school on time, etc. I'm not doing a whole lot of cooking, but there's only so much I can do on my own! :)
I have yet to find time to address all the kind folks who have left awards and layouts for me - I PROMISE I will post about them as soon as I can. I hope I'll have some computer time tomorrow, but it may just be wishful thinking. I wanted to at least get one little freebie out to you today, since it's been a while.
Hugs to everyone,