Embellishment Template
Commercial Use
Lace Ribbon I
I recently had a request for some ribbons, so I'm starting to play around with some. Here's a pretty little lace ribbon for you - it's 12 inches long, 300 ppi, in grayscale to be colored to your liking. I have provided both a light and a dark version to make it easier to work with a variety of colors. I hope you enjoy it! I've had a sudden urge to focus on commercial use freebies rather than entire kits - it seemed to me that there are SO many free kits out there and not nearly enough freebies for CU. Please let me know in the comments below whether or not it meets with your needs - I'm here to serve...LOL! :)

Click HERE to download. File corrected and reuploaded on 6/30/08, so if you downloaded on or before that date, please re-download! MANY apologies for the inconvenience!

Notes for the day:
I'm so excited about the great response my daughter is having to her new freebie blog - she's had nearly 2000 visitors so far, and only posted her first freebie 9 days ago! MANY thanks to Anneli of Attic Treasures, who featured Lydia on her blog, and to Linda of Bon Scrapatit, who listed Lydia and me in her "Hot New Designers" list! It means SO much to me, and to Lydia. Please visit these wonderful folks - they are two of my favorite designers and offer LOTS of gorgeous work! You know, I have to say that all of you in the digital scrapbooking community are fantastic people - your comments, kind words, and hugs bring SO much joy and fulfillment to my life! Love ya!
Hugs to everyone,