Theme Kit
For the Love of Lemons
Part 3: Pink Lemonade
Anyone thirsty? I have a treat for you! Tonight's kit is the third in the series and is based on lemonade - pink and yellow. Created at 300 ppi, it contains 7 papers and 7 embellishments, including pink grosgrain flourish and straight ribbon, two glasses of lemonade (one yellow and one pink), a whole lemon, a juicy lemon slice, and a white and yellow bow made with FafBr's "Adorable Satin Bow action. Thank you also to Pillowgirl for her adorable CU overlays! (Some are even freebies - well worth checking out!) The lemon painting and lemon wedge are in the first kit of this series.

Click here to download.
(Link updated 5/17, as the pink paper with lemonade may not have zipped properly the first time. If that paper is all you need, just click HERE.)

Good news...I think...
Today, I finally received my biopsy results - they did NOT find any cancer! Woo-hoo!!! The biopsy was completely normal, which is great except that it doesn't give ANY explanation for the mass seen on the ultrasound. So, I'm a bit concerned that the mass may have been in that first biopsy that was lost or that it was too deep to get with this kind of biopsy - I won't know more until I just have it all taken out (which needed to be done for other reasons anyway). But at least I can take my time in scheduling the surgery, and I can finally get a good night's sleep tonight! I want you all to know that all your love and support helped me SO much through this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This weekend, we have a foster parent appreciation dinner (with childcare provided - yay!) - it's going to be a treat to enjoy a nice evening with some really amazing people! On Sunday is our girls' dance recital dress rehearsal. It's supposed to be pretty nice here, so maybe some gardening this weekend, too?
We are toying with the idea of a weekend trip to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis - we're 4 or 5 hours away, but it's always worth the trip. They have SO many fascinating exhibits, with much to interest adults as well as children. (In fact, I think I could spend an entire weekend exploring it without the kids!) Apparently, they currently have an exhibit about animation, and since my hubby is a video producer, it would be great fun for him. If you're anywhere in the Midwest, you might want to consider a visit there - click HERE for more info!
I wish you all a wonderful weekend -
Lots of hugs,