Theme Kit
For the Love of Lemons
Part 5: Buttons and Bows
I have another freebie for you tonight - it coordinates with previous parts of the "For the Love of Lemons" series. It's an embellishment pack in shades of yellow, green, blue and pink. Included are five bows, five buttons, five ribbon curls, and a lemon-shaped gemstone. The two yellow ribbon curls are meant to look like lemon rind! All elements are png files, created at 300 ppi. Drop shadows are for preview purposes only. Thank you to Christy Skaggs for her cute ribbon curl templates, Atomic Cupcake for their button action, and FafBr for her satin bow action and gemstone action (with Patricia Amaral). While I like the purity of creating everything from scratch, these templates and actions are lots of fun, too!

Click here to download.

Notes for the day:
We had a lovely anniversary last night - we had 2 of the 5 kids with fevers, so no dinner out. However, we exchanged gifts, and I was so glad that Don liked his - I had bought him a nice watch, which will be engraved once he is sure it's the right style for him. He got me some stuff to encourage my digiscrapping addiction - a wonderful book on Photoshop tricks called How to Cheat in Photoshop CS3, and a new printer! Woo-hoo! Isn't he WONDERFUL? Thank you, Don! Can't wait to play with these...
Thank you to everyone who has been leaving comments for me - they are much appreciated! You know, I truly feel blessed to be experiencing the camaraderie, hugs, encouragement and love found in the amazing online community of digital scrapbookers! Keep on going out there to make and preserve your precious memories!
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!
Big hugs to all of you,