Commercial Use
Doilies for Elena II
Same colors, different doily...today's freebie is another doily I crocheted years ago, in the same colors as yesterday. Again, it was created at 300 ppi, is in png format, and presented in 12 colors as well as in light and dark grayscale so that you can recolor it to suit your needs. For commercial and/or personal use. I hope you enjoy it - it was always one of my favorite doily patterns to crochet. It's not too often that one finds patterns for square doilies!

Click HERE to download.

Notes for the day:
I am still planning to send you more freebies made from my "stone wall" photo. We also have many more ribbons in store!
We're planning a busy holiday weekend for the 4th of July - we'll sit in the yard to watch the city's fireworks display (we have a perfect view form our yard with no fighting the crowds), but will likely spend the rest of the weekend cleaning. Oh, what fun...but we've got to do what we've got to do!
Thank you as always for your very kind comments - they are MUCH appreciated! However, please note that I have been having trouble accessing my 4Shared comments, and their tech support folks are trying to figure out the problem. So, if you have posted anything needing a reply on 4Shared, please feel free to re-post it on my blog or e-mail me, as I'm not sure how long it will take to get the "Review Comments" button working again. Hopefully soon?...