Some LO's to share...
and an explanation...
and a little tiny freebie...
Sorry I've been away so long...believe it or not, my laptop got SO full that I couldn't even create a new Photoshop document! So, my freebie plans went on hold for a while (we were out of town, so I couldn't transfer files to my external hard drive). My SWEET husband got me a little present - a portable drive! It's not a jump drive (which is all I asked for) - it's about 3x5 inches and 250 GB, but can fit in a pocket and doesn't even need its own power supply! ( I named it "PocketBrain") I'm not sure whether I was a techno-geek before, or if marrying him made me one...but if this isn't romance I don't know what is! He went to a HUGE, fantastic electronics store he'd never been to, and he came home with this amazingly thoughtful gift and NOTHING for himself! I never thought I'd find such a wonderful man. (BTW, the printer he got me for our anniversary is fantastic, too - I can print pictures and have the colors look just the same as on the monitor!)
Anyway, I've spent the last couple of days trying to figure out how to best reorganize my digiscrapping stuff so I can make freebies again - and I've cleared out almost enough space. I just had to resign myself to the fact that I'm going to do a lot more designing than scrapping my own photos, so I might as well put the wonderful freebies I've collected on the "PocketBrain".
So, while I get my hard drive cleaned up sufficiently, here are some adorable layouts sent my my visitors:
This one is from Dawnabelle, using my "For the Love of Lemons" series. Dawn has her own blog now, and created a really cute birdhouse - to visit and download her awesome freebie (CU, nonetheless!) - click HERE!

So, here is your tiny freebie to tide you over until the bigger ones (which are on their way, I promise...) - this is a golf ball. Yes, that's it. No preview, no nothing. Just a golf ball. (See Amy's invitation above for what it looks like!) Can you tell I feel inadequate just giving you this? LOL I'll make it up to you VERY soon!
Click HERE to download the golf ball...