Bright Confetti

My Mother's Day Gift to You!
Happy Mother's Day! Today, we're taking a break from the constellation series so I could give you something bright and cheerful to celebrate! This is an overlay - confetti with sparkles (the black background is just for preview purposes.) It is created at 300 ppi, in png format. I hope you enjoy it - I plan to create a kit coordinating with this eventually, but I wanted to share this part with you now. Happy scrapping!

Click HERE to download.

Can I have a hug? :)
You may notice that I have a new widget on the left - it's a hug counter! I saw it once before and thought it was such a cute idea - you can click on it to leave a "hug," and there is a link below it in case you'd like a hug counter of your own! I could use some hugs right now, actually, since I am scheduled for my biopsy tomorrow. Of course, I am hoping that it's not cancer, but praying just for the strength to deal with whatever the result is. It didn't look too good on the ultrasound. Thank you to everyone who has already sent well wishes my way...I really appreciate it!
Hugs to everyone,