Commercial Use
Niagara: Icy Vines
Today's freebie is a set of commercial use textured papers made from a photograph of icy vines at Niagara Falls, Ontario. The papers are at 300 ppi, 12x12. They are in 12 colors (coordinating with my previous CU designs), and in two shades of grayscale, so you can use color overlays to make them any color you like.

Click HERE to download grayscale papers.
Click HERE to download colors Part 1.
Click HERE to download colors Part 2.
Click HERE to download colors Part 3.

Notes for the day:
Well, hello again to everyone! Thank you for all your messages of concern, wondering where I've been. Here's the short story - basically, I got so busy with my mommy duties that I was not able to find time for designing. Also, honestly, I felt so guilty about not having managed to find time to properly address and pass to others the tags/awards I had so kindly been given. But, I do intend to try to keep designing, at least once in a while, and I plan for all of it to be OK for commercial use. I will not be able to take time to go through all the 4Shared files to view comments, and my apologies for that (they just don't have any efficient way to see just the new comments), but any comments you leave directly on my blog post will go to my e-mail, and I read every one of those! :)
Now for the longer story, if you're interested...
When we had our three foster children, things became very hectic as they prepared for returning to family right when we were preparing for the holidays, as well as my trying to keep up with the girls' homeschooling. Right before Christmas, we became a family of 4 instead of 7 again. After Christmas, the girls and I took a month-long driving trip - we went to see a friend in Nashville, then to my parents in North Carolina (where we hiked in the mountains and visited the Cherokee Museum. After that, we spent a few days learning early American history in Colonial Williamsburg, then spent a week skiing in the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts. (My husband was hired to do video production for a ski resort there, and we were invited to tag along!) Then we headed to Niagara Falls and learned about erosion and geology, then North Buxton, Ontario where we visited a museum at one of the endpoints of the Underground Railroad. Next, we visited my uncle at the farm in Michigan that was built by me great-great-great grandfather. Finally, we learned to quilt at my mother-in-law's house, then came home.

Today's freebie comes from our visit to Niagara Falls - there was heavy snow while we were there, and the mist from the falls freezes everything facing it! It made for a beautiful winter wonderland, with lots of interesting patterns of ice formation. As you can see from the photos below, only the side of objects facing the falls was iced over, but the other side remained visible. Isn't that lamppost funny??

The papers in the freebie were from the following photo of some vines coated by the falls' icy mist.

A special bit of happy news - another reason things are hectic for us right now is that a surprising and wonderful turn of events is happening for us. For the last three years, we have been planning to adopt a child, expecting it to happen via foster care eventually. However, a series of events took place that led us to a lovely young lady, orphaned in Ghana (in West Africa). She's about the same age as my oldest daughter, and very sweet. We are well into the process of adopting her, and I hope to be traveling to Africa to bring our new daughter home in the next 6-8 weeks. We all feel so blessed by this, and are very grateful for this path that God chose for us!
Hugs to everyone,