Commercial Use
Braided Ribbons and Wrap
Well, another major illness kept me away from blogging for a while (see below if you want to know more), but I'm back now (though may be slowed down for a bit!) I have a freebie for you today - it is a set of embellishments offered in both light and dark grayscale for easy recoloring, as well as in my typical 12 additional colors as samples. I have also included a metallic gold version. The set is all made from narrow, braided ribbon, and includes a 12-inch straight ribbon, a ribbon wrap with bow (also 12 inches but can be trimmed down to fit your objects), and the wrap and bow each as separate pieces to allow you more creative flexibility. All were created at 300 ppi, and are png files. The photo frame is not included in this download, but is available (free) in my June 8 post. (The photo itself is not included, either - I don't guess you have a use for a picture of MY kids! LOL)

Click HERE to download the grayscale versions. Click
HERE to download the colors, part 1.
HERE to download the colors, part 2.
Notes for the day:
Wow - it's been a long time away! I apologze for that - I would certainly like to keep you consistently supplied with freebies. However, I have been quite ill for about a week and a helf, and in the hospital (again!) for the past week. I am doing better now, and scheduled to go home tomorrow. For those of you who have been following my blog for some time, you may recall that in April, I was hospitalized with a bladder infection that happened to be from an ESBL-producing bacteria (these are the newest "superbugs," which can only be killed with IV antibiotics - and often requires the most powerful antibiotics in existence.) I had a week of home IV antibiotics at that time.
A little sidenote to teach about bladder infections: most are caused by e. coli from the person's own digestive system. We pretty much all have e.coli in our colons, and is considered part of our normal flora. It doesn't cause problems unless it gets into the wrong place (i.e., the urinary system.)
Well, this time, I developed a kidney infection, with high fever, chills, pain all over - was pretty doggone sick. The culture eventually showed that it was the same ESBL-producing e. coli again. Apparently, this organism can colonize the gut, and become part of the "normal flora," which is not possible to eliminate with medication. When I had my surgery, the incisions probably made an easy-access route for the bacteria to enter my bladder, and voila! Back on IV antibiotics again. This time, I was transferred to a different hospital to have the Infectious Disease specialist involved (because ESBL's are quite deadly). I felt better being under the care of someone who is very familiar with this organism, as most doctors I've talked to are not even aware of it yet. I'm stable now, and tomorrow am having a PICC line put in so I can go home on IV antibiotics, which I will need for 2-3 weeks. So now, I'm afraid that every time I get a bladder infection, it is likely to be the same organism and require IV's. NOw that we know about it, though, I hope they can just set up home health without having to hospitalize me first. Of course, I'm missing my kids terribly and can't wait to get home. I'm too far away for them to visit me here. There's no place like home...
Additionally, there are many people I feel I have neglected lately - to those of you who so kindly bestowed awards on me, tagged me, and left links to kits you made with my designs, I am very grateful. I DO plan to address all of these as soon as I can, but wasn't able to do more than post a freebie at this time. Hopefully I can catch up this week. HOPEFULLY........
Hugs to everyone - I've missed you!