Commercial Use
Braided Ribbons and Wrap
Well, another major illness kept me away from blogging for a while (see below if you want to know more), but I'm back now (though may be slowed down for a bit!) I have a freebie for you today - it is a set of embellishments offered in both light and dark grayscale for easy recoloring, as well as in my typical 12 additional colors as samples. I have also included a metallic gold version. The set is all made from narrow, braided ribbon, and includes a 12-inch straight ribbon, a ribbon wrap with bow (also 12 inches but can be trimmed down to fit your objects), and the wrap and bow each as separate pieces to allow you more creative flexibility. All were created at 300 ppi, and are png files. The photo frame is not included in this download, but is available (free) in my June 8 post. (The photo itself is not included, either - I don't guess you have a use for a picture of MY kids! LOL)

Click HERE to download the grayscale versions.
Click HERE to download the colors, part 1.
Click HERE to download the colors, part 2.

Notes for the day:
Wow - it's been a long time away! I apologze for that - I would certainly like to keep you consistently supplied with freebies. However, I have been quite ill for about a week and a helf, and in the hospital (again!) for the past week. I am doing better now, and scheduled to go home tomorrow. For those of you who have been following my blog for some time, you may recall that in April, I was hospitalized with a bladder infection that happened to be from an ESBL-producing bacteria (these are the newest "superbugs," which can only be killed with IV antibiotics - and often requires the most powerful antibiotics in existence.) I had a week of home IV antibiotics at that time.
A little sidenote to teach about bladder infections: most are caused by e. coli from the person's own digestive system. We pretty much all have e.coli in our colons, and is considered part of our normal flora. It doesn't cause problems unless it gets into the wrong place (i.e., the urinary system.)
Well, this time, I developed a kidney infection, with high fever, chills, pain all over - was pretty doggone sick. The culture eventually showed that it was the same ESBL-producing e. coli again. Apparently, this organism can colonize the gut, and become part of the "normal flora," which is not possible to eliminate with medication. When I had my surgery, the incisions probably made an easy-access route for the bacteria to enter my bladder, and voila! Back on IV antibiotics again. This time, I was transferred to a different hospital to have the Infectious Disease specialist involved (because ESBL's are quite deadly). I felt better being under the care of someone who is very familiar with this organism, as most doctors I've talked to are not even aware of it yet. I'm stable now, and tomorrow am having a PICC line put in so I can go home on IV antibiotics, which I will need for 2-3 weeks. So now, I'm afraid that every time I get a bladder infection, it is likely to be the same organism and require IV's. NOw that we know about it, though, I hope they can just set up home health without having to hospitalize me first. Of course, I'm missing my kids terribly and can't wait to get home. I'm too far away for them to visit me here. There's no place like home...
Additionally, there are many people I feel I have neglected lately - to those of you who so kindly bestowed awards on me, tagged me, and left links to kits you made with my designs, I am very grateful. I DO plan to address all of these as soon as I can, but wasn't able to do more than post a freebie at this time. Hopefully I can catch up this week. HOPEFULLY........
Hugs to everyone - I've missed you!
Hi Jeanie,
I don't know much about medical stuff, but it sounds serious, I sincerely hope you'll feel better soon and can go home to your loved ones.
Hi Jeanie
Sorry to read of your latest medical problem. Hope you will soon be feeling 100% again ....have missed you the last week and a bit. Take care and rest up.
SWEET, SWEET Jeanie!!! If this is NOT proof of how ADDICTED we all are to our PASSION to preserve our family heritage and MOST precious and priceless memories girl!!! Here you are putting us at peace from your hospital room.
You dearest one are a DIGITAL FORCE to be reckoned with!
I just happened to be over at DSD uploading my freebie and saw your DELIGHTFUL ribbons and had to take a closer look and then read of your illness and just HAD to come to your blog to find out HOW YOU ARE!
I am SO relieved that you are in GOOD hands - E. Coli is definitely not something to mess with and I hope and pray that you be returned to Kansas .... er .... uhm .... I mean HOME as quickly as possible! Bless your heart. Just when you get your babes all back home and POOF ... Mama is gone again.
You take care of your SWEET self and I shall try to check back in the next day or two to see how you are darlin'.
Thank you for your AMAZING creations and I shall have to come and play catch up!
Love and hugs,
Linda :)
Gosh you are in the wars medically..
I am really sorry to hear that you are having all these problems..
But you have again amazed me with your ability to make it sound like its all in a day, that some serious stuff you have told us about..
I really hope that this is the end of it all for you..
You have always come across as an amazing caring,loving, compassionate person, and that is still coming across strong from the fact that you blogged while still in hospital, ( mind you they are boring places when you are a patient lol... *hugz* thank you again for sharing.. Hope you are home soon with those you love and stay there :) take care
I'm so sorry you're sick again, and I hope you feel better soon.
I'm sending lots of good vibes for speedy recovery your way.
Thank you so much for this beautiful freebie!
Hugs from Germany,
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 21 Aug [LA 03:40am, NY 05:40am, UK 10:40am, OZ 08:40pm] ).
My prayers are with you, Jeanie. What a rough time you have had these past few months. Don't worry about us, we will always be here. You get the rest you need and when you get home enjoy the cuddles from your kids.
wow so sorry you've been so ill, please know you're always in my thoughts & prayers with extra ones going up that you get better real fast
Hugs & blessings, Lisa
prayers are with you- you just take time to heal.
Jeanie, hello!
So sorry to hear of your illness. Warm wishes and prayers are going to you in hopes of a speedy recovery. Love the freebie, but can't imagine you thinking of that when you are so ill. Good luck on getting home soon to your kids who, I'm sure, miss you terribly. Hope this finds you feeling better.
Becky Jo
Beautiful ribbons!! So sorry to hear about your medical problems. Hoping you're feeling better now and continuing to improve daily.
Oh Jeanie, I hope you are feeling better soon, you have been through such a lot! Glad you got proffesional care. And get better soon!!!
I dont know how you can worry about freebies when you have so much going on! thank you and Beat the nasty bugs soon!
Oh, sweetie, I was starting to worry about you, and I was right to do so. Goodness, I hope that you feel better soon. I will keep you in my prayers. Patty
I hope the treatment is effective and you feel better very soon. It is good you have a specialist to deal with this complicated problem.
Thank you very much for these gorgeous ribbons and bows. :)
Aw, bless your heart, hon. Hope you get to feeling Much better Fast!
Jeanie, I've missed you and not because of the freebies! I was hoping you had a last minute wonderful offer for vacation, or maybe computer problems. Worst case, I figured maybe you overdid it a tad after surgery and had to rest. Not exactly, wow! Sending prayers up for you now, and you'll stay in my thoughts and prayers, as in many other of your friends, for sure! Speedy recovery, girlfriend!
Wow !!! you really are having a tough time of it this year !! I will say some (more) prayers for you and your lovely family. I do hope that all goes well for you. Thank you for thinking of all of us while going through all these trials, it shows just what a Christian person you are ! Please look after yourself first and foremost, the children need you on deck.
How scary. Glad to hear that you are back on the mend. The ribbons are beautiful. Thank you. Feel better.
Wow Jeanie, you sure have been through a lot. I sure hope you are feeling better real soon. Hopefully this will take care of the problem for good. I was wondering where you were. You were definitely missed. You take care of yourself.
I am so sorry to hear of your illness. It seems as though when it rains, it pours! Hopefully, you are on the road to recovery. I know your family will be glad to have you home! Take care of yourself, and I wish you the best.
Jeanie, please take care of yourself and don't worry about creating designs until you are well. Your fans will always be here waiting for your healthy return. May God hold you in His loving embrace until you are well!
Thank you so much for the ribbons Jeanne! So sorry you are ill but glad that you're better. You sure have had a rough year.
Sending big hugs!!!!!
Aunt Anne (adsd group)
My thoughts and prayers are with you for a complete and speedy recover from this horrible illness. More than missing your creations, I have missed reading your blog posts :) I love your "family" stories!
Big Hugs and Warm Wishes
Sue B.
Oh, so sorry to hear of your illness!! Will be praying for you and hope you are feeling much better!!
We missed you! :O)
Bless your heart! Sounds like you've been through the ringer. Glad you're doing better, and I guess you are home by now. Take care of yourself, and thanks for the ribbons!
I'm so sorry that you've been so ill. Hope you are well and able to get back home to your family soon. And thank you very much for the braided ribbons!
Wow girl! You have sure had more than your share this last little while huh! Not as much fun being the patient is it?!! LOL Those of us who work in medicine have a tough time being taken care of. (hee hee hee) Did you resist the temptation to look at your own chart? :)
Glad to hear that you will be going home soon. I'm sure you've missed the kids something awful! And they will be soooo glad to have you back home with them.
Take good care of yourself this week. Hope the PICC line is out soon and that you are back to your fabulous self very soon after that.
Sending you lots of love and (gentle!) hugs!
Thank you for the freebie... I can't wait to play. So sorry to hear you've been so sick... I will be praying for your recovery, and that this superbug doesn't keep attacking you!
thanks for the ribbons, they're super. Hope that you are getting better every day.
Hi Jeanie,
I just thought I'd say THANK YOU for the great freebie, and I also wanted to tell you that I gave you an award, it's yours if you visit my blog over at http://scrapoholicdesigns.blogspot.com
I also bookmarked your blog, since it inspired me in more than one way! great job, and thanks for being so generous!
HUGS froms Jessica, Scrapoholic designs, Sweden.
Oh my what a story!
I've been on holiday, and summer vacation takes up time too, so I've been a bit neglecting reading and commenting on 'my' blogs. I am so sorry! I sure would have missed you and commented otherwise!
What a scare for you and your loved ones. I can understand you're gonna be suspicious of every bladder infection from now on!
I really hope you're doing fine, as this post is 'already' five days old. ;)
Thank you for your wonderful freebie! It's a very pretty -YAY- ribbon! :)
Oh, I totally forgot to tell you! I've used another one of your ribbons in a kit. Just posted it a few hours before leaving for holiday, had no time to tell you.
Then afterwards, I shamefully admit I forgot it. Sorry...
WHEN you've got time, you can find it at this post: http://dinphy.blogspot.com/2008/08/have-to-be-quick-now-as-im-gonna-need.html
(lol. You see, I even forgot to put in a title, such a hurry I was in)
Big hugs, and lots of well-wishes,
Hi Jenaie! Sorry to hear about your latest round of medical troubles. Hope you'll be feeling better soon and get home to your loved ones. Take care!
- Shel
I check your blog every day to see how you and your family are doing :-) I used to work in a medical clinic, too but now I'm a housewife/wannabe designer. I added your blinkie to my blog so other(?) can find you and enjoy your generous sharing. Many thanks!
Hope you feel better soon! Thank you for all of the fab freebies on your blog! They're amazing!
Thank you for sharing your talent...:)...Sandy
Thanks so much, merci.
thank you very much ...
Hi Jeanie, Thank you so much for these gifts. It really means so much when we (or I) receive the gift of someone's artwork, but doubly so when the giver has been so ill. I know it has been some time but it still matters.
I hurts so much when ppl receive or just take these gifts and leave no comment, it is only a small matter to say thank you.
On that note I will say ,
My regards for your art, and many hugs for you and yours.
TY soo-so much for all of your wonderful CU-Freebies and for your hard work. I really love what you have made and appreciate you taking the time to create and then share with us. God Bless you.
Thank you so much for your awesome freebies! You are fantastic! Good Luck & God Bless You & You Fmaily with your adoption!!
thank you!!!
Hi, I don't know when you find time for these beautiful creations. You must love all that you do.
I would like to thank-you so much for all your work, and I am going to add you site to my blog, for all my members to visit also !
Hug's & Kiss's Dave @ Crafters Corner
These are just what I needed!
Thank you very much :)
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